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I have too much living to do.

People looking down at a tile floor that says, passion led us here - I have too much living to do.

I may be in the middle of battling PTSD right now, but I will squeeze all my living in when I’m better.

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Someday I will kick mental illness’s ass. Although I feel like the odds are against me, it can be and must be done; I have too much living to do yet.

But, in order to win the day, I have to defy the rules, be “that guy” who stands in opposition to the established norms. No, it’s not about going after the man, nor is it taking up the fight for social justice.

The fight I am speaking of is the battle within. More specifically than that, I must win the fight over mental illness’s manipulation. I must stand up to the power of PTSD and say “I am no longer your slave, depression – I will no longer bend to your will. And anxiety, you’ve navigated my self-speak and self-worth for far too long.

Ways to boost your self-worth

I don’t know about you but I’m tired of being held hostage by what lies between my ears. Not only am I fed up with it, but I am also desperately wanting to reclaim my life. Aren’t you?

I argue that yes, that’s exactly what’s happening.

But, in order to do accomplish this feat, we must understand that those thoughts that bounce around inside, the ones that hold us back, are bull. believe the modern term is fake news.

Many mental-health conditions are like gas lighters from the inside out – whereas gaslight usually occurs from the outside in. People who gaslight do so to the degree where one questions their sanity.

Front and back cover of the road to mental wellness - 8 sings your relationship is hurting your mental health.
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Sound familiar? It seems sometimes that our brains hate us but in reality, we have conditioned it to feel like no one likes us or that we aren’t good enough. Trouble is, what we think about long enough, we start to believe.

“I know I have worth, passion and goals.”

Since I have too much living to do to let this manipulation go on any longer, I have decided to fight back. I know, I know, how on earth do you do that? Am I right?

Well, for starters, can you really say that EVERYONE hates you? Or, is it our disorders talking? Are we being duped into thinking that we are worthless? I argue that yes, that’s exactly what’s happening.

Want to hear the stories of those on a similar path? Have a listen here. A New Dawn Podcast

We start by paying more attention to the voice that disagrees with these lies. Sure, it may seem smaller and more off in the distance, but it is indeed your authentic voice – essentially, that disempowered voice is the real you. Additionally, you can hear yourself in the background saying, “I know I’m a good person” and/or “I know I have worth, passion and goals.”

So, what will digging through the deception do for you? See, the more you listen pastd the noise of mental illness and start paying more attention to the real you, that tiny, tired-out voice will get louder and more confident. Before you know it, you’re starting to believe your truth.

In reality, it all comes down to: who do you want in the driver’s seat? A voice hell-bent on running you into the wall, or you, heading to a destination that brings you peace and happiness? Personally, I have too much living to do to allow my life to be hijacked. I’m willing to bet that you do too.

In crisis? Call 1.833.456.4566 | Text 45645 (Crisis Services Canada) Crisis Services Canada

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